Currently accepting new clients in Savannah, GA! (912) 354-4474
At Coastal Pediatric Therapies we believe in treating the child, not the diagnosis. Each child has a unique set of strengths and needs that our therapists honor and support. Below is a list of common feeding topics that our pediatric therapy team has experience with:
Transitioning to Solids • Picky Eating • Sensory Food Aversions • Autism
Swallowing Disorders • Coughing & Choking • Oral Motor Weakness • Weaning from Tube Feedings
Premature Infants • Congenital Abnormalities & Syndromes • Oral Apraxia • Limited Diet
Comprehensive Evaluations
We will begin by listening to your family's concerns and assessing your child's feeding and swallowing skills. Depending on your child's needs, the evaluation process may include a combination of the following:
Parent and/or child interview
Clinical observations
Feeding assessment tasks
Food and liquid trials
We will provide you with a formal evaluation report as well as a care plan if therapy is needed. Care plans are written to include long-term goals (which aim to be met within about one year) and short-term goals (which aim to be met within about six months) to address all primary concerns.

Feeding & Swallowing Therapy
At Coastal Pediatric Therapies, our goal is to create positive feeding experiences and restore the joy of mealtimes! We combine evidence-based strategies with parent coaching to decrease mealtime tantrums, promote acceptance of new foods, improve positioning and oral skills for eating, and introduce products that can help. Feeding therapy sessions may involve:
Exploring new foods without pressure
Chewing, biting, sucking, and drinking practice
Strategies for a safer swallow
Positioning support for effective eating
Parent and caregiver education
Our feeding therapists have extensive training in pediatric dysphagia from a specialist in a top rated hospital. Along with direct therapy, we also coach caregivers to use new strategies at home 5-7 days a week. Home programming is essential to create consistency and optimize your child's success!
Picky Eating &
Food Aversions
Exploring non-preferred foods in a playful setting
Trying new temperatures, textures, & brands of food
Increasing food inventory
Participating in family mealtimes with less resistance
Dining out successfully
Feeding Tubes &
NPO Status
Sustaining a nutritive sucking pattern during infancy
Using strategies for safe swallowing
Improving oral strength & coordination for feeding
​Reducing coughing & choking while eating or drinking
Transitioning to
Solid Foods
Encouraging food to mouth exploration
Improving ability to chew and bite solid foods
Adjusting feeding schedules to promote hunger at mealtimes
Successful weaning from breast or bottle milk

Get Started With Coastal Pediatric Therapies Today!
We are accepting new clients for private speech, feeding, occupational, and physical therapy in Savannah, GA and surrounding areas.